Cold Sores. Yuk.

I hate cold sores. I was driving to work yesterday when I felt the initial tingle. I should have turned around right then and gone back home to search for the V.altrex pill I knew was in my medicine drawer. The real tingle started later in the afternoon, and I took the pill as soon as I got home. But alas I woke up this morning with a small but painful little cold sore. yuk. I remember when I got shingles a few summers ago. That was when my Dr filled that prescription. I told her then that we were trying and  I “might” be pregnant and was reassured that the medication wouldn’t hurt a pregnancy. 
I had a late start this morning. Some days it is just hard to motivate up and out of the house. Thank goodness that my lover found some coffee in the camping bin. We ran out  of our main stash earlier this week, and I keep forgetting to pick some up. Work was uneventful and I got to leave early to go to my weekly counseling session. We had a great conversation, as usual. I am so glad that I kept looking until I found this lady. (she’s the fourth counselor I tried!) I caught my lover for a quick kiss just before he went out for a bike ride. I hate so much that he is smoking at work, but that’s a different conversation for another day. I stopped back by work to pick up some projects that need to get done tonight, then headed home to find my sweet puppy waiting for me. 
Sweet puppy must spend a good portion of her day sitting on the couch watching the world pass her by through the front window. That is almost always where she is when I pull into the driveway. Her cute little ears, so excited to see me. I decided that she needed some new toys, so we headed out to PetCo. She was so well behaved! I got her a big bag of new balls and chewy things. It feels good to make sure that her play and chew needs are all met. Now that we are home she is trying to get all of the balls into her mouth at the same time. Four balls at once is her all time max, but tonight she can’t seem to top two. 
My Lover is working late again tonight. I am so grateful for this job, even if it is a short term thing. But I do miss him.

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